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Brindisi Marina (Marina)

The marina is very nice, and quite new, but a long bus ride from town, with very limited restaurant and supermarket facilities nearby.

The marina restaurant was often closed, or having a wedding or something, and I did not have a chance to eat there.

I had lunch at a restaurant on the beach, but I was the only patron and it was very quiet in September.

I am told that there is a small supermarket that sells bread and such, if you keep walking down the road toward the city. I guess I did not walk far enough.

www.italianavigando.it/porti/brindisi.htm translated by Google
Howard and Jayne [ Just Imagine ] 22-Dec-2007

Brindisi Town Dock (Town Dock)

The afternoon that I arrived here, there was some sort of festival going on and everybody (and their dog) was out prominading along the waterfront.

Shortly after I arrived a parade started and I had a good view from the deck of the boat.

The Fallen Sailors monument across the bay is interesting.

Nice restaurants along the waterfront.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 04-Jan-2008

Danese Boatyard (Boat Yard)

A nice boatyard situated next to the Marina touristico where I got very reasonable pricing on winter haulout and storage.

I seriously considered hauling the boat to winter here, but was a bit discouraged by the long bus ride to town, and the lack of restaurants and supermarkets in the area.

Instead I went to Sibari, which was only slightly cheaper, but no better on restaurants and supermarkets.

The people at Danese were very friendly and professional and the pricing was good.

I would certainly consider hauling here sometime in the future. It is very convenient to the airport and good bus and ferry links to the rest of the world. It is also just an overnight sail from Croatia.

Indirizzo e Recapiti



Howard [ Just Imagine ] 16-Sep-2007

End of the Appian Way (Historic)

In Roman times,(somewhat like today), Brindisi was the main ferry port to the eastern Roman Empire. The Appian way was a route from Rome that ended at these steps.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 07-Sep-2007

Auchan Hypermarket (Supermarket)


You catch a blue Mesagne-Brindisi bus, marked "M" from just east of the train station, after buying different bus tickets from the bar, for €1.10. Buy your return ticket too.

Make sure that you stamp your ticket in the orange machine on the bus, otherwise you are liable for a €25 fine.

The bus only makes a few stops before taking you out to the country side, and in the middle of nowhere, so it seems, there is a huge, I mean HUGE, shopping complex called Auchan. Many jewelry and fashion stores, and then the large supermarket. The bus takes about 30 minutes, and it is worth it for provisioning.

I was warned to make sure I wait for the return bus in the bus shelter on the other side of the road, as they will not stop for you if you are not at the fermata.

There is also a huge Leroy Merlin Hardware store in the same commercial center. I did not have time to visit.
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 16-Jun-2010

Train Station (Transport)

The train to Rome is about €50 and takes about 5 hours.

Binaria= track, or platform
Carrozza = Carriage
Posti = Seat number

Howard [ Just Imagine ] 16-Sep-2010

Brindisi Casale Airport (Transport)