There are two ways to add your own information to this site:
1. Add information to the page you are reading:
If the information you are providing relates to the same subject and same location, you can just add a paragraph or two on the same page you are reading by clicking
"[Add your own information about "t h i s s u b j e c t" to this page.],
2. To add a new page with a new map, or to point out a new location on an existing map, click on:
[Add a whole new item or page to "t h i s s u b j e c t"]
Make sure you are on the appropriate page first. In other words, to add the port of Antibes, make sure that you are in the French Riviera page first, because Antibes is part of the French Riviera. Or, if you want to add an anchorage in the port of Portimao, make sure that you are in the Portimao page first.
Likewise, if you want to add a whole new article on SSB radio, first go to the SSB radio page. Don't worry if the page shows up in the wrong place, we can sort it out later.
You will need to select a category while creating your page. Try to use existing categories first, but you can create a new category if needed. If in doubt, 'Region or Place' is the default category which you can use for anything. We can fix that later too.
The title of your new page will appear in the menu list on the left hand side of the parent page.
Your new page will have a new map. You can zoom, pan or customize the map to best show the location of the feature that you are describing. If you don't want a map on the page you will be able to turn it off later, by going to "Modify this map" after you have created the new page.
If you need any help, or have any questions or suggestions please contact me at
Howard [ Just Imagine ] 11-Mar-2009